Saturday, March 7, 2009

Professional Development Learning

There is a great amount of professional development resources that are available. It would be easy to spend all of your time surfing the internet and expanding your own personal knowledge. I selected 23 Things as my professional development resource for many reasons. I have learned many of the tools that are available on 23 Things but there are still some that I would like to practice and improve. I was sharing this site with a first year teacher and she was facinated with the resources that are available and it was easy to share my personal knowledge as I shared some of my personal creations using web 2.0. During our last staff meeting I also volunteered to assist a teacher who will be teaching some computer and internet skills for teachers so that they can begin utilizing the resources. Arlene phoned from Beauval and asked if I would participate in her professional development day and I agreed to go there for a day to support her initiatives.
This was something I would have never considered before taking this class but I have gained a sense of empowerment since I learned how to incorporate technology in our classrooms and our schools. One of the other reasons that I would like to improve my skills and expand my learning is to help others who are struggling with the implementation of technology.
It is amazing because as an administrator who does teacher supervision, I have started asking teachers what kinds of skills they are teaching our students. I feel confident in discussing what we are lacking in technology and how we can improve. I am also beginning to recognize what tools we are lacking so that we can begin to purchase the tools such as overheads projectors and screens for our computer rooms to make teaching technology possible.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad to hear that you are enjoying this class and feel a sense of empowerment. Your knowledge is being sought by other educators now and I applaud you on your new venture. I also feel that way and I am sure most of us who were computer illiterate at one time can say the same thing. Good work! Keep it up!
